2x2 Entire State - $1,400.00
1x2 Entire State - $750.00
2x2 North or South Georgia $800.00
1x2 North or South Georgia $400.00
2x4 Entire State - $2,800.00
2x4 North or South Georgia $1,400.00
When your ad will run
Ads will run one time between Sunday and Saturday in each participating newspaper. Exact publication date is at the discretion of the newspapers. Specific days cannot be requested.
Ad Sizes
2 x 2 = 3.792" x 2"
1 x 2 = 1.833" x 2"
Ad Design
We prefer that you have camera-ready PDF copy already prepared. Please submit one copy with your order. If you do not, please sketch clearly how the ad should appear in the provided box on the order form. We will be more than happy to design your ad for a $50 charge.
All ads and payments are due at our office by noon Tuesday prior to the week you want your ad to be published